Saturday, October 1, 2011

In most american movies, why is it that american teenagers are very disrespectful of their parents?

is it just in the movies? or is it based on reality? the way they answer their parents are very disrespectul, they talk back, they shout back thinking they know everything. it's very hurtful as a parent to see that, makes me boil my blood %26amp; slap my daughter, i mean, the TV.|||It's not American teens only like that. Teens everywhere rebel and are just plain nasty to be around. Some are nice and respectful , but at times everyone gets angry and yells at their parents. No one is innocent of that.|||I think that the rebel behaviour comes greatly from overstrict parents. Im a 15 years old teen and i rarely have conflicts with my parents. We both use common sense.

I could do drugs (i have some classmates that are into that, so if i wanted to i could get it) do i do drugs? No, they are bad for your health and you become addicted.

I look old enough, and soon will be, to buy alcohol. Do i do it? Rarely, im not interested in getting myself drunk, i enjoy 1 beer about every two weeks, thats less than most adults.

I could get cigarettes if i wanted to. Do i do it? No, smoking is the absolute turn-off. You stink, you become unhealthy, etc.

My parents NEVER told me i was not allowed to drink, do drugs, or smoke.

I dont do it anyway.

You see, i was raised with common sense, not with over-strictness.|||Watching people be obedient doesn't make for very good television, does it? Disobedience causes drama, pain, anger, and those are things that people love watching. Movies are made to be entertaining, not to be realistic, and sometimes that means that something which is rare in life is very common in movies.|||Its terrible I know!! I could never act that way to my parents but its true, some do. I could never behave that way, not only because I'd get in big trouble, but just because, I would never want to yell at my parents.|||Because it would probably be a boring movie if they weren't disrespecting thier parents.|||because too many parents let their kids become brats..its easier to say yes to every demand than say no and enforce discipline...its so sad cause these kids are gonna be messed up.|||because their parents are idiots|||Not all american teens are like that, but I have seen many that are.|||not all american teens are like that, but some are.

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