Friday, September 23, 2011

Is there still Racism in American movies today?

In movies:

An American man can be paired with any women from any country

If an american woman is paired with a black man, her character is slutty. (except Save the last dance)

Asian guys can only be paired with Asian women, unless they are the rich bad guy mob boss and have tall American model type escorts

Asian women paired with An american guy,most likely she's a prostitute

Middle eastern men only finds true love with middle Eastern women, unless they are evil rich oil tycoons...|||In the US, 73% of the population is ... White.

So that means that white people influence most of the box office, isn't that right?

So in order to gain more in the box office, the film industry needs to think about who they

need to really attract. Its only business.

鈽衡樆|||If an american woman is paired with a black man, her character is slutty.

What about "Jungle Fever"?

Asian guys can only be paired with Asian women, unless they are the rich bad guy mob boss and have tall American model type escorts

What about "Rush Hour", "Romeo Must Die" and many others that I can't think of right now?

But too answer your question, yeah there may be slight forms of racism but it is nowhere near as rampant as it once was.|||I think you're talking about romantic pairings. Although there are exceptions, the majority of films are catered to single white men usually young white males so they'll make what they want to see or movies that typically satisfy their fantasies. Everyone else gets more or less typecast into stereotypical roles. You have producers to thank for that since they come up with the ideas. Writers just fill in dialog. Its run like any other business at the expense of everyone whose non-white male.|||White people are not the only Americans. If you were born in America, you are an American, that means anyone of any color can be American.

Of course there is still racism, but I don't see it so much in movies anymore. Not unless we are making things racist that really aren't. But I haven't seen any movies in a while, we can't pay for tv right now.

We just have to quit catering to the stereotypes of people of other cultures.|||definitely..look at all the Middle Eastern stereotypes...sexism is still a problem too

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